PMHCC & PMHCC-CTT Newsletters

Q1 2022 Benefits & Wellness Newsletter
Benefits and Wellness Newsletter

Q2 2022 Benefits & Wellness Newsletter
Benefits and Wellness Newsletter

Employees are offered 13 holidays and 4 personal days.

View the PMHCC holiday schedule

Company Holidays

Training offered by PMHCC is available to all PMHCC, CTT, DBHIDS, CBH, DHS, DPH, OSH, CST and BHTEN Employees.

PMHCC-Information Services Training offers instructional Application sessions and Workshops. Custom Training is also available upon request.

Application Classes

All applications supported by PMHCC-Information Services. An example of some of theapplications offered are Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, BOX (Online/Cloud Filestorage), Foxit Reader and Foxit PDF Editor.


Training sessions where focus is on learning specific tasks. Ex. Excel Workshop: Formulas and Functions.

Please note:

The PMHCC Instructor is always available to assist employees with questions or issues using applications.

Also, if you have 4 or more employees interested in the same topic you can contact the instructor to arrange a custom training just for your group.

PMHCC Computer Training Room
1601 Market Street, 6th Floor ( Rm 628, off of the Café )
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 546-0300

Any questions contact the Training & Support Coordinator at 215-546-0300, ext. 3607

‍‍PMHCC Computer Training Course Manual
The Computer Training room is no longer set up with student computers – YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN laptop and power cord to participate in the trainings.

Working with BOX

BOX - PMHCC's Cloud Storage Solution. Do not store/save any files on your computer's hard drive (c:drive, desktop, my documents or downloads) All files MUST be stored in BOX. In fact, your default save locations can all be changed to BOX.

BOX Training Agenda
To register for a course, download the Registration Form. Fill in the form, Save As "yourname Registration.pdf" and save it to your BOX Folder.  Email your completed form to: by copying and pasting into the To line of a new message.

Computer Training

Open Project Session

You should register for a session, but it is NOT a class. You stay as long as you need to get a solution to your problem. So, this is a session for YOU. We focus on what YOU need.

Excel Essentials
PowerPoint Essentials

Course Descriptions

Training is back.

Workplace safety goes beyond preventing accidents and injuries within the office setting in today's increasingly hostile environment. It now encompasses much more. We are trained to proactively identify potential hazards that could harm employees and visitors, but that only comes from being vigilant participants in creating a safer workplace every day.

View the Workplace Safety Committee announcement

View the Good Catch Hazard Identification form

Workplace Safety Committee

As we know from our business, many people find it challenging to balance personal, family and work-related problems and issues. That’s why PMHCC offers the two Employee Assistance Plans (EAP) through Guidance Resource and Cigna. The EAP can assist with mental health and substance abuse treatment needs, work and family issues, as well as provides consultations, referrals and other professional services.

PMHCC gives you and your immediate family members five (5) free sessions with a qualified, licensed, professional counselor, who can help clarify issues, identify options and develop a plan of action. Help is available for a wide range of issues, such as troubled marriage, family/workplace relationships, emotional concerns, anger, grief or depression management, alcohol or drug abuse treatments, parenting concerns, stress and coping issues. Access to information and services is free and completely confidential. Be at your best at work and home… call toll-free:

Employee Assistance Program

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please contact PMHCC's Compliance Officer to ensure adherence to the applicable guidance in effect.  Any absence must be communicated directly with your supervisor.

COVID-19 Related

PMHCC is committed to doing all that is within its power to know and adhere to all local, state and federal laws, regulations and rules as they relate to the work performed by and on behalf of PMHCC and to PMHCC employees. To that end, if any PMHCC policy conflicts with federal, state, or local laws, regulations or rules, the organization will abide by the laws, regulations and rules and expects the same of all its employees, agents and contractors.
If any employee has a question regarding any compliance issue, he/she may call PMHCC’s Compliance Hotline at (215) 413-8230. All inquiries and reports will be held confidential, if requested, by the PMHCC Compliance Officer. Any finding of a potential violation of compliance with applicable laws, regulations and rules will be reported to the appropriate authority and to the Chief Executive Officer of PMHCC.

Compliance Hotline for PMHCC Staff Use Only

Introducing Cigna Telehealth Connection

PMHCC's medical plan includes telehealth services through Cigna Telehealth Connection, provided by Amwell and MDLIVE with 24/7/365 access to board-certified doctors and pediatricians by video chat or phone.

Click a link below to see various features of the program.

Introducing Cigna Telehealth Connection

About Cigna Telehealth Connection - FAQs

Cigna Telehealth Connection - Guidelines for where to go for medical care

How to Obtain Your Cigna Telehealth Connection Card.

NFP Wise and Well Newsletters

Download the March 2022 Newsletter

How to Save on Your Health Care Bills

Cigna highlights ways you can keep your medical bills in check and still get the care you may need. Read these six ways to save on your healthcare bills.

Wellness Communications

Information concerning the Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 will be posted here for our employees. Please use the links below and the documents provided to help guide you through the important information you need to know when dealing with protected health information. Employees should also refer to the PMHCC Policies & Procedures manual for important HIPAA related information.

Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule

Information About HIPAA