PMHCC Case Management


1601 Market Street
5th Floor
Philadelphia PA 19103

Phone 215.546.6435

Fax 215.790.4960

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide collaborative support services to empower individuals as they journey through their recovery process from the disease of addiction and other life challenges to achieve and maintain long-term recovery. As we work with individuals in the recovery process, individuals are empowered to identify their strengths and talents and focus on their specific areas of need.  The collaborative approach is built on the idea that all individuals, regardless of their challenges and walks of life, are people first.

Case Management Services

PMHCC Case Management provides case management services to individuals with dual diagnoses of substance use and mental health disorder with the hope of sustaining a self-fulfilling recovery lifestyle. Our services focus on promoting autonomy and self-advocacy and are based on case management principles that are client-centered, community-based, pragmatic, flexible and culturally sensitive. Case managers align these principals to provide supportive ancillary services that drive engagement, service coordination, goalsetting, monitoring and coaching. Case managers support all stages of recovery. Case managers take the time to understand individual’s needs, evaluate strengths and challenges, and create a plan that will help individuals access the support and community resources they need to achieve their self-defined goals.  Our case managers are as creative and innovative as necessary to tailor the recovery needs of each individual to achieve long-term recovery.  

PMHCC Case Management consists of the following six (6) teams:  (1) The Keys to Recovery; (2) Assertive Outreach; (3) Families in Transition (FIT); (4) Community Outreach and Recovery Engagement (CORE); (5) Blended Team; and (6) Helping Other People Evolve (HOPE).  In order to meet our most vulnerable population, two of our six teams provide enhanced case management:  The Keys to Recovery Team specializes in servicing individuals with co-occurring disorder and the Assertive Outreach Team specializes in servicing individuals with an Opioid Use Disorder.

Peer Support Services

PMHCC Case Management fosters a recovery-oriented approach that infuses the language, culture and spirit of recovery. Our peer culture builds on the strengths and resilience of individuals, families and communities to achieve abstinence and improve health, wellness and quality of life.  We offer Peer Support as an extension of case management which complements services by providing support in collaboration with case managers.  This approach helps to assist individuals on their journey to continued recovery and thrive within their own community. Peer Support staff provides person-centered services to help individuals reach life goals and experience a sense of accomplishment, reduce crisis and hospitalizations, better understand treatment services and increase community engagement.  Our Peer Support staff use lived experience, empathy and empowerment to inspire hope and self-determination.

Community Partnerships

PMHCC Case Management has expanded our community partnership to continue to increase access to services, enhance quality and monitoring of services and increase services to vulnerable populations.  PMHCC Case Management partnered with the Department of Behavioral Health on special initiative projects including: Coordinated Response to Addiction by Facilitating Treatment Project (CRAFT),The Encampment Resolution Pilot, Kensington Bridge clean up, Point Breeze Recovery House Project and Health Partners Integrated Plan Initiative.  PHMCC Case Management also established community relationships with Prevention Point, Office of Addiction Recovery Houses, and Journey of Hope Initiative, Parenting as Teachers Program (PAT), Tenant Service Coordinators Monthly Consultations and the Homeless Advocacy Project – SSI, Outreach, Access and Recovery(HAP/SOAR).

Who is eligible for Case Management Services?

Individuals interested in PMHCC Case Management services must be 18 years old or older, have a primary substance use disorder, be a Philadelphia resident, and not receiving other case management services such as Forensic Intensive Recovery or Targeted Case Management Services.  Referrals can be received by community agencies, treatment programs, self, families and Community Behavioral Health (CBH).

Insurance and Funding:

PMHCC Case Management is a Fee-For-Service model.  PHMCC provides case management services to uninsured or underinsured individuals, who are Health Choice eligible; funded by Community Behavioral Services.      

Our Goal

PMHCC Case Management’s goal is to increase access to case management services; increase retention, engagement and participation in case management services; and increase individual’s self-sufficiency and independence.